Thursday, July 24, 2008

Some Background on St. Peter's Church

Some Background

A wooden church was built on the site in 1619 and this was replaced by a stone building around 171¾. The church has undergone several successive renovations throughout the 18th and 19th centuries and even after its replacement had been virtually completed (the Unfinished Church). St. Peter's has continued to serve its parishioners for nearly four centuries.

Overall our goals for this season include:

-Examining the origins and evolution of St Peter's by conducting a survey of building's foundations and excavating in the nearby properties of Ming House and Whitehall.

-Surveying the Memorials of the Church in the yard, interior, and underneath the current structure.

What we are working on today

Recently it was discovered that there were several chambers underneath both the front portion (south side) and north portion of the church. We have now started to map and survey the contents of these chambers. So far we have examined three chambers. Two of them contain some of the earliest gravestones surviving at St. Peter's the earliest we have seen to date has been 1718. The middle chamber contains a set of stairs likely an earlier set that led into the church prior to its expansion. We hope to continue our exploration of these chambers digging deeper into the history of St. Peter's over the coming weeks.

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